Tuesday, April 16, 2013

10 Ways Twitter Can Make You A Better Leader | Big Is The New Small

10 Ways Twitter Can Make You A Better Leader | Big Is The New Small shared with me by my personal technology advisor, Dr. Vitulli.

Good stuff.


  1. Although all 10 of these were very relevant to me, numbers 1 & 2 really hit home. I especially like the access to the thoughts and ideas of others whom I would never have the privilege of learning from otherwise and the openness of thoughts and feelings many share.

  2. Those two really get at the spirit of Twitter. Thanks for sharing. I'm fond of:

    ◦3. Think Before You Act- Forces U 2 think before U tweet realizing that everything U tweet is permanent; all leadership decision R permanent at least 4 that moment.

    ◦8. Development is about others- You have the ability to encourage, inspire, help, shape, lead & develop others. Make your tweets leadership matter.
